Plant Families


Philodendron brandtianum growing up a tree inside of a greenhouse

Philodendrons are one of the most common houseplants. They're easy to care for, and grow quickly. There are vining philodendrons and self-heading ones - both of which can be considered climbers and grow well with moss poles, trestles, or wooden planks. 

Philodendron cordatum growing up a tree with vines.


Place in low to bright indirect light. Avoid direct light, as this can scorch the leaves. 

Water once a week or when the top 2-3" of soil feel dry to the touch. Leaves will droop when they're thirsty, but should perk up shortly after watering if you don't wait too long. 

Use diluted plant food once a month in the spring and summer. Avoid plant food in the fall and winter when the plant goes dormant. If you've recently repotted, wait ~6 weeks before feeding.

These plants are toxic, so keep out of reach of pets and small children. 

    Care instructions are usually consistent for all philodendrons, but we always recommend researching your specific plant to make sure you get it right the first time.
    Philodendron 'prince of orange' being held by a hand in a greenhouse.


    A common issue that philodendron owners come by is yellowing leaves. This is usually due to inconsistent watering, so make sure you maintain a regular watering schedule. They can also turn yellow if they're exposed to tap water or haven't been repotted in 12-18 months. 
    Philodendron lemon lime growing up a wooden pole in a greenhouse
    Philodendron literally means "love tree" in Greek because that's how they grow in the wild - climbing trees. To train your philodendron to climb indoors, you'll first need to give it something to cling to with its aerial roots. We recommend woody planks or moss poles. Keep your stake moist and the plant will take it from there. To speed the process up, use plant ties to gently attach the vines or stems.
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