A close-up of a woman spraying her potted plant with an amber Rooted spray bottle

Grow that green thumb

Work is tough, plant care is easy. Tips, tricks, and everything in between.

get rooted in circle shape

Common Issues

A person examining their plant's roots as they prepare to repot. They are surrounded by plants, a head-shaped pot, a green ceramic pot, and potting soil.

How to Prevent Root Rot

Root rot is a gnarly disease that will quickly kill your plants. The cause? Overwatering, of course. It can either occur when the roots "drown", or have a lack of...

How to Prevent Root Rot

Root rot is a gnarly disease that will quickly kill your plants. The cause? Overwatering, of course. It can either occur when the roots "drown", or have a lack of...

A monstera and anthurium in dramatic lighting.

How to Treat Leaf Spot

What is leaf spot and how can I identify it? Leaf spot is a common fungal or bacterial infection that plagues houseplants. It causes unwanted brown spotting, sometimes accompanied by...

How to Treat Leaf Spot

What is leaf spot and how can I identify it? Leaf spot is a common fungal or bacterial infection that plagues houseplants. It causes unwanted brown spotting, sometimes accompanied by...

The silhouette of a potted snake plant in a window that overlooks greenery and grass.

How to Treat & Prevent Fungus + Mold

When you're going through the fridge and notice moldy items, more often than not, they're going to go straight into the trash. So, do we make the same call when we see a...

How to Treat & Prevent Fungus + Mold

When you're going through the fridge and notice moldy items, more often than not, they're going to go straight into the trash. So, do we make the same call when we see a...

A dracaena 'white stripe' with browning lower leaves.

5 Common Causes of Brown Leaves

When the leaves of our houseplants turn brown, it can leave us feeling pretty down. Brown leaves can happen for a plethora of reasons, so it's up to us to get to know...

5 Common Causes of Brown Leaves

When the leaves of our houseplants turn brown, it can leave us feeling pretty down. Brown leaves can happen for a plethora of reasons, so it's up to us to get to know...

Calathea zebrina plants with dried edges and brownish yellow discoloration.

Leaf Tip Burn

Now that you know how to water plants, let's talk about how to do so safely. Believe it or not, the type of water you use matters. We can all agree that we...

Leaf Tip Burn

Now that you know how to water plants, let's talk about how to do so safely. Believe it or not, the type of water you use matters. We can all agree that we...

A cardboard plant with yellowing foliage.

5 Common Causes of Yellow Leaves

You wake up one morning and check in on your plants. Everything seems fine… but then you see it. Yellow. You start to feel sick. The room starts to spin,...

5 Common Causes of Yellow Leaves

You wake up one morning and check in on your plants. Everything seems fine… but then you see it. Yellow. You start to feel sick. The room starts to spin,...

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